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進階踏板獨奏 Advanced Pedal Solo

第一名:獎座,獎狀與CAMAC Odyssey 豎琴
First prize: Trophy, Certificate and Camac Odyssey Harp

以上組別 第二名 與 第三名 得獎者可獲得獎座與獎狀;


其餘參賽者若成績達到 80 分以上,即可獲得『優等』獎狀。

2 nd and 3 rd prize winners in the advanced pedal solo category will receive trophies and certificates. 

4th and 5th prize winners will receive certificates.

All other contestants whom receive score 80 or higher will receive distinction certificates.

進階合奏 Advanced Chamber

第一名:獎座,獎狀與獎金新台幣 20,000 元
First prize: Trophy, Certificate and NT 20,000 Cash

​少年合奏 Junior Chamber

第一名:獎座,獎狀與獎金新台幣 6,000
First prize: Trophy, Certificate and NT 6,000 Cash

大眾合奏 Open Chamber

第一名:獎座,獎狀與獎金新台幣 8,000
First prize: Trophy, Certificate and NT 8,000 Cash


其餘參賽者若成績達到 80 分以上,即可獲得『優等』獎狀。

2 nd and 3 rd prize winners in the above 3 categories will receive trophies and certificates.

All other contestants whom receive score 80 or higher will receive distinction certificates.

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